Relieving Stress in a Healthy Way

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The Rainbows

Each one of us is stressed today and in that we can also include our children. With so much negativity in the environment, television shows filled with violence, news channels broadcasting all sorts of depressing news and to top it all many countries are actually facing a lot of instability and ongoing war. In a situation like this our children are constantly under stress. In turn we see them becoming violent and extremely stubborn and many of them also face a lot of mental problems due to bullying at school and so on.

This biggest disadvantage is that many nations are a cause of these negativity and they are just inevitable to stop until the masses react which at the moment seems like a long way to go. So whats my point? My point is that since we cannot control the external environment and save ourselves and our children from excessive stress why not focus on internally reducing stress levels. If we talk about reducing stress then there are innumerable ways but what I am talking is to relief stress in a way which is healthy, effective and long lasting.

For this reason the three of us, my friends and I have started with a project. This was actually a part of our Positive Psychology course in which we had to come up with a project which in some way will benefit the society. After getting done with the presentation and get a positive feedback we have decided to give it a go.

Our idea is to use art therapy since it is very economical and everyone enjoys it. We will be conducting workshops for children, pregnant women, parents-children, where we will be carrying out fun filled art therapy activities as well educating parents about optimistic parenting styles. This will lead to a healthy nurturing as well a generation who will have better coping strategies.

Moreover, our future goal is to spread our project to countries where children are facing severe violence, specially the Muslim countries. So wish us luck and help us spread awareness for this project.

You can get more details about the project by visiting our Facebook



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