During Ramadan, admin are picking their 5 favourite Ramadan posts. These don’t need to have been written in the last week, but will be beneficial posts written at any time.
So here are our Ramadan Five Favourite Finds.
1. The Muslimah Mommy’s Tips for Mothers During Ramadan
Fasting in Ramadan in long hours can be difficult, but mothers have to juggle fasting, looking after children and trying to increase their prayer. The Muslimah Mommy shares some handy tips on how to juggle everything.
2. The Best Book Ever
A blog post shared by Gems for Juniors about the Quran and a few Quran themed activities to do with your children.
3. Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Some simple and easy to follow tips to help you stay healthy in Ramadan shared by My Culinary Adventures. It is vital to look after your health while fasting.
4. 33 Simple Ways to Get Ready for Ramadan
Although Ramadan has already started, Youthly Hub has shared some great tips on preparing for Ramadan which can be continued after Ramadan.
5. Ramadan Activities for Children
Looking for things to do in Ramadan with your children? In The Playroom has shared a number of activities that will help keep them occupied and interested in Ramadan.
If you have been featured and would like others to know, then please feel free to add this badge to your site!
- December 2020 Featured Blogger – Not Another Mum Pod - December 29, 2020
- Muslimah Bloggers Awards 2020 Winners - December 22, 2020
- Muslimah Bloggers Awards 2020 Nominees - November 19, 2020
Mashaa Allah, great blog posts from amazing bloggers.
Najmah Capal recently posted…How To Study Effectively In Ramadan?
MashaAllah great posts! So happy to see my blog post listed here
Jazaakillaahu khayr!
Syarafina recently posted…The Best Book Ever!