Muslimah Bloggers turns two this month. Although the Facebook group started earlier, the actual site going live was in July 2014 during Ramadan. We have grown substantially since then and soon the site will also have a new look in sha Allah.
I myself started blogging about 5 years ago. At that time I thought it was unique that a muslim woman was blogging, but I soon realised that there were many female Muslim bloggers…..I was simply late to the party!!
But what I noticed was that although there were many blogging groups and communities, there was none specific to muslimah bloggers and it was difficult to find other female bloggers that were muslim. So the idea of Muslimah Bloggers was born on facebook; a community to unite muslimah bloggers from all over the world.

Credit: Ayeina
Since then we have a thriving facebook group with sub groups added for opportunities and businesses, and also a public page to share our bloggers posts on a daily basis. We don’t just limit the posts to the facebook page but also share to twitter and instagram. And the work doesn’t stop there, we also try to hold regular twitter chat nights on a Tuesday. And we also share some blog posts on our blog.
To celebrate Muslimah Bloggers turning 2 we asked bloggers in our community what they thought about Muslimah Bloggers.
To me, Muslimah Bloggers is a positive community bustling with diversity. There is so much to share and collaborate on. If it wasn’t for MB, I wouldn’t have met some very very amazing sisters in the blogging world, who have taught me so much. ^_^ M Iqbal, Iqbalencia
For me, Muslimah Bloggers has allowed me the chance to grow and learn, as a blogger and woman, from the many wise, learned and skilled Muslimahs from around the world. There is always a helping hand when we feel stuck for inspiration or just don’t understand a little something that is blogging related, a community that shares selflessly their time and expertise. I THANK YOU, the team at Muslimah Bloggers for bringing me this platform. May you grow with each new blog post, Happy 2nd Blog’versary🎉💕.
Love and Duas Marriam Essa-Sayed
I don’t really have any Muslimah friends, so when I started the blog I felt like it’s not relatable to anyone. Even after joining multiple blogging groups I felt out of place, but after finding MB I finally feel that this is the community I belong to! And it’s great to connect with all the diverse sisters from around the world 🙂 Joanna @Halal Mama
Blogging can be very lonely when you don’t have many people responding to your posts. Muslimah Bloggers is the place where I can meet other Muslimah bloggers from around the world. Now I feel that i’m not just talking to myself. Jameela
For me, Muslimah Bloggers connected me to bloggers all over the world who are on the deen . And that’s something that isn’t easy to get . Also, through it I’ve learnt a lot and met great sisters ! May Allah continue to shower His blessings on the team that created Muslimah Bloggers .
Happy 2nd Blog’versary <3 <3. Nusaybah Abdulfattah
Mabrook to all lovelies here espec the MB team.
Apart from blogging tricks and gigs, MB actually taught me the etiquettes of being online. This is the hallmark of MB.
love you all. Myda Tahir
Muslimah bloggers is filled with inspirations and positivity… It brought me closer to Islam and the best part about this is the unity which it brings among sisters across the globe. Irum Irshad
Muslimah Bloggers is a supportive base for me as a blogger. The members of this community are encouraging, helpful and very motivating. They’ve helped me not only with regards to my actual writing and technical know-how, but have also been beneficial in other areas of life. The range of articles I’ve come across have been diverse and informative and include everything from parenting hacks, Hijab styles, New recipes, and lots of brilliant articles about Deen.
Congrats on the anniversary, May Allah take this take this community from strength to strength InShaAllah. Ayesha Desai
Muslimah Bloggers is a perfect representation of the statement – “when women support each other, incredible things happen” or ” empowered women empower women” or “we rise by lifting others” (we’ve got our women-quote game strong 😂)
And we rise even higher when the driving force is deen. Sisters in deen are the sisters indeed ❤ Ayeina
To me, the Muslimah Bloggers group is a community in which I feel that I belong. The support and inspiration is amazing and I feel as though I have made virtual friends with several of the sisters in this group after just a few months here. I think that Sister Fozia and the other admin sisters are doing a great job Masha’Allah. May Allah reward them for the amount of time and effort they put into the group. Sara Essop
I started blogging accidentally and was lost in the world of blogging when I stumbled upon Muslimah Bloggers. From receiving help on silly things like how to make widgets and plugins work to breaking down and getting advise from Sisters all across the world…MB gave me all. Living in Nz since the past 2 years, I had lost touch with Muslim friends and this place gave me new friends, new bonds. A place where I could thrown tantrums, discuss my personal problems, ask for urgent blogging and site related issues and of course the never ending friendship and support. The sisters never asked anything in return and were ever eager to help. This place makes me feel good about myself, lets me know that all is not lost and that there are others going through the same problems as me. JazakAllah MB! I can never repay you guys. Hina Nafe
So glad to be introduced to Muslimah Bloggers. For me, the group is not just an online arena for assisting all kinds of bloggers, but it is like a community in which the fellow sisters are always there for other sisters. The group is not only the source of blogging help but also a place to share things we come across in our daily lives, make dua for anyone who needs and a place that brings a smile to your face everyday! Fatima
Muslimah Bloggers is the girly/womanly writers club I always wanted but never found, until now. I unjoined the groups in which there was mixing of genders so it’s really nice to find a group for writer Muslimahs. I’d love to participate in MB more and contribute to MB some day. Lots of duas. Iqra
Salaamualaikum, Muslimah bloggers is the platform i have been searching for ever since i took up blogging. It meet my every need. MB has helped me to know more about the blogging world that i had know idea about, and not forgeting of the wonderful sisters there who are always ready to answer your questions to help you out. Am really gratefull to the brains behind Muslimah bloggers, may Allah bless you all and take MB to the next level. Aameeen. Khyra
It took me a while to find a community I actually feel like I fit into when I started blogging. When I came across Muslimah Bloggers, I instantly felt accepted and feel like it was the perfect blogging community to be a part of. Sainab
For me Muslimah Bloggers is a great way to connect with other like minded bloggers. I feel that with other bloggers they just don’t get it because of lifestyle clashes or differences. I love being able to find a new awesome halal recipe, download some Eid decor and or even read about Ramadan or Hajj stories. I’m glad that there’s a community with a ton of blogs and sisters to interact with. Aaliyah
JazakAllah Khair to everyone who took the time out to comment about Muslimah Bloggers and what the community means to them. You can find out more about each blogger by clicking on their blog logo!
In sha Allah Muslimah Bloggers continues to grow bigger and stronger with everyones continued support. And the community and sisterhood remains in sha Allah! Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Do not envy one another, do not outbid one another (in order to inflate prices), do not hate one another, do not turn away from one another, and do not enter into a transaction when others have already entered into it. O servants of Allah, be brothers. A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He does not oppress him, humiliate him or look down upon him. Taqwa is here” – and so saying, he pointed to his chest three times. “It is evil enough for a man to look down upon his Muslim brother. The whole of a Muslim’s being is sacred to another Muslim – his blood, his wealth and his honor are inviolable.” [Muslim]
Don’t forget to join our groups and follow us on social media.
Muslimah Bloggers Group
Muslimah Bloggers Blogging Opportunities
Muslimah Bloggers Businesses
Muslimah Bloggers Public Page
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Muslimah Bloggers Twitter
Muslimah Bloggers Pinterest
- December 2020 Featured Blogger – Not Another Mum Pod - December 29, 2020
- Muslimah Bloggers Awards 2020 Winners - December 22, 2020
- Muslimah Bloggers Awards 2020 Nominees - November 19, 2020
Can’t imagine the time and effort you put into this. Running one website is hard on its own, but running a community is ever harder.
May it thrive more than you envision ❤
Glad to be a tiny piece of a big cake 😀
And JazakAllah Khair for being part of the community!
admin recently posted…Muslimah Bloggers is Turning 2
MashaAllah, Mabrook on your 2nd bloggerversary🎉. Keep up the sterling work you do, and may MB grow from strength to strength, ameen. Wonderful blog post💕
Ameen and in sha Allah!
You are definitely the chosen one who are doing so much just for the sake of Muslim women.
Honored to be the part of it.
MAY ALLAH reward you the Highest.
Myda Tahir recently posted…The Power Mid Day Nap(Qailulah) Boosts Your productivity
Ameen! JazakAllah khair
Masha’Allah Happy 2 years. Even though I’m a relatively new member but I really enjoy checking out other Muslimah bloggers posts in the bloggers feed. You are doing fantastic job running, maintaining and updating the site 🙂
JazakAllah Khair for your kind words and welcome to the community!