Love Yourself

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In today’s world, so many people, especially girls I find, hate on themselves too much. We’ve all been there before, but it’s time we stop all the hate and negativity towards ourselves and start showing ourselves some love!

I believe that the first step to love anyone else in the world, you first must love yourself. If you cannot love yourself 100% how do you expect yourself to love the other person completely? It’s something I’ve been dealing with my whole life, and I’m sure many of you have as well. In the world we live in, it’s so hard to not be bogged down, feel judged, and criticize yourself. It’s important to step back every once in a while and count your blessings and realize that you have so much to love about yourself!

It takes time to develop a full amount of love for yourself, and it’s something to constantly be working on, but baby steps will get you there one day!

Here’s a few tips and things to do, to cultivate this love of yourself!

love-cookiesStop Criticizing: Where does criticizing get you? Nowhere! I can be quite a negative person myself, and I have a terrible habit of over thinking which results in me criticizing a lot of things. But I’ve realized that criticizing gets you nowhere! Accept yourself as you are. You are perfect the way you are!

Don’t be afraid: Again, overthinking leads you to panicking and giving yourself unnecessary fears of life. Find a mental happy place, a place that gives you calmness, and any time you begin to panic or overthinking, try to switch your brain to think of those happy thoughts!

Gentle, Kind, Patient: Of these 3, I struggle with patience the most! I’m always on the go, doing million things at once, and I love being busy and accomplishing things! It can be so difficult for me to slow down and realize that patience truly is the key to happiness. Be kind, gentle and patient with yourself, it will lead you to new ways of thinking and a new aspect on life.

Mind: Self-hate can literally ruin your life. Slowly, try to change your thoughts to more positive ones and your mind will be at more ease and less stress.

Praise yourself, you’re worth it: As I said earlier, criticizing can break down your spirit. Praise can help build you up, and increase your self-esteem. It can lead you to motivate your own self with the help of no one else, if you give yourself a pat on the back every time  you accomplish something or do something right.

Body: Healthy lifestyle and healthy body lead to a happier and calmer mind. For a lot of people, self-image issues can also cause them to hate themselves, but really, it can be fixed quite easily if you work to fix and change your body rather than hating it!


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  • Irum

    I loved the fact you mentioned about gentle kind and patience. It works wonders. Very positive writing.
    Irum recently posted…EATING FREQUENTLY FOR WEIGHT LOSS My Profile


    I think self love is also very difficult when you are always saying where you should be instead of being happy where you are. This was a very good post : )

  • Khudaija.A.Nagaria

    Assalam O Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahe Wa Barakatuhu. Excellent post masha’Allah! Very positive and encouraging 🙂

    Jazakillahu Khairan Katheeran for this piece Sis 🙂
    Khudaija.A.Nagaria recently posted…Citizenship Of JannahMy Profile

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