Hajj Goals

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Performing Hajj is the most blessed, spiritual journey
Which is most likely to be a once in a lifetime opportunity
So make the best use of it-  get prepared beforehand
As you are gonna devote yourself in the Most Sacred Land


Your intention must be for the sake of Allah Alone
So don’t show off by posting selfies from your phone
Your light would fade and your purpose would be lost
By just wasting all your rewards plus the entire cost


Patience and sacrifice are the biggest test
Through which Allah will judge who’s the best
The more you strive, the more you are rewarded
Even the simplest deeds by the angels are recorded


Some of the things you shouldn’t forget
Write up your will and settle your debt
Seek forgiveness from family and friends
Resolve vital issues and make amends


Do not just depend solely on your guide
You need to have your own notes by your side
Prepare a list of duas you need to make
And your own Hajj journal don’t forget to take


Be in the remembrance of Allah twenty-four seven
Coz that’s the only regret you’d have in heaven
Every good deed is multiplied into one lakh
So don’t miss this chance, you never get it back


Help one another and those in need as much as you can
Sparing some time for extra tawaf, salah and Qur’an
Even just looking at the Ka’aba counts as a reward
How Compassionate and Merciful is your Lord??


The reward for an accepted Hajj is nothing less than Paradise
So when you get the opportunity, do not think twice
Go for it and don’t worry about what you gotta leave behind
Coz Allah is enough and He’ll grant you peace of mind


You will return back home equivalent to a newborn
Sinless,   pure,    innocent-    past all foregone
Turn over a new leaf,  it’s a fresh start
You will feel the enlightenment from within your heart


May Allah make it easy and accept your Hajj
And reform yourself without any grudge
Thank Him abundantly for this opportunity
Hope this pilgrimage would bring about unity


Hajj Goals

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