Our Belief Makes A Lot of Difference

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We are all made of our beliefs. Our lives, activities and even our future events depend on our beliefs. The belief I am talking about is not religious belief but the belief with which we wake up everyday and with which we keep trying to achieve goals in our life.

We all have certain beliefs in our lives and it really matters what you believe in. If you believe that goodness exists in this Dunya, you will come across good in this world. If you have belief that you can achieve your goals you will be able to achieve them. Also, if you believe that your life is worthless you will keep getting more and more reasons to see it as worthless. This is why it is important that you believe in what you want from your life.

This is something I do each time I feel dissatisfied with my life and I think it will be useful if anyone else also applies it in their lives. Each time I feel unhappy in my life I take a moment to think about my belief. Usually my bad day always begins with me snapping over a small event and saying ‘it’s a bad day!’ When I say that no one loves me, people really do stop showing care to me.

Moreover, when anytime we show disbelief in Allah and His blessings, they begin to lessen. Each time while we make a Du’a but don’t believe in it, then it is not going to be fulfilled. When we don’t have faith in Allah and His Will then we cannot expect to get blessed with things we want. When we think of our fate as an example of bad luck then know that your life will never get on the right track.

People usually whine when a tragic event occurs in their life and that doesn’t stops there. It becomes a part of their daily life and eventually turns into a habit. Then these same people whine further because their life isn’t getting any better and then it goes on and on like a cycle. If you are facing and doing something similar in your life then you ought to break this cycle. Stop with all sorts of negative belief and turn them into positive thinking.

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Keep reflecting on your beliefs from time to time. Each time your belief gets negative, stop yourself right then and there and amend your belief. Have faith in yourself, your abilities and most importantly believe in Allah, your Creator who will not let anything bad happen to you until or unless that bad is good for you.

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  • Haya

    Good read. We should not weigh ourself on the basis of other’s praise/appreciation. Indeed willingness to impress the creator could bring best out of us.
    Haya recently posted…A Perfect husbandMy Profile

  • Deeniyat Ibadat

    Very nice article . It is true if we dont have faith in Allah then hour prayer are not going to listen.

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