Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessing be Upon Him) says “When one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates; but if he cannot get any, then (he should break his fast) with water, for water is purifying” [1] Dates or ‘Tamar’ in Arabic is very synonyms with the month of Ramadan. We are recommended to consume it not only during a break or fast but also during sahoor. Abu Huraira reported: Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessing be Upon Him) says “The most excellent pre-fasting meal of the believer are dates.” [2]

Dates are very nutritious.
Dates that have been consumed by many people all over the world have an excellent nutrition profile. It is very high in calories, vitamins, minerals, and fibers to promote better health.
In a study stated in, 21 people who consumed 7 dates per day for 21 days experienced improvements in stool frequency than when they did not eat dates.

Dates contain a high amount of anti-oxidants.
Dates contain more anti-oxidants than figs and plums. They protect our cells from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that may cause harmful reactions in your body and lead to disease. The anti-oxidants are flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acids that are important to slow down eyes-related illness, diabetes mellitus, and cancer.
Dates have many other health benefits.
Since generations ago, it is well known that this fruit can promote better brain function and health and promote natural labor. It can also act as a natural sweetener and slow down the risk of osteoporosis due to the fruit’s high mineral contents.
The history about date palms
It is believed that dates are the oldest cultivated fruits in the world. They have been grown since 50 million years ago. They are first produced in the Middle East, Northern African countries, and Iraq. The trees need at least 100 days of sunlight and plenty of water to grow. They are always found in the oasis of deserted lands.

The different types of Dates
Dates are available in any part of the world, from China to America. A different country grows another kind of dates. The most popularly known dates are the Ajwa of Madinah, Medjool, Bahri, Dayri, and Zahidi. Medjool is the hardest to grow and, therefore, it is one of the most expensive.
Let us take advantage of this blessed month of Ramadan to make dates part of our daily diet. Do remind ourselves not to miss them during iftar and sahoor, and continue after Ramadan. They are not any ordinary fruits. Dates are among the 6 fruits mentioned in the Quran. They are unique fruits. They are mentioned more than 20 times in Quran, and they are one of the fruits available in paradise. In Surat Al-Nahl, Allah Says: “With it, He produces for you corn, olives, date palms, grapes, and every kind of fruit: Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought” (Al-Quran 16:11)
Knowledge Dunes has prepared an activity book for children on ‘The plants and animals mentioned in the Quran’ which includes activities related to date fruits. Do check it out!
[1] Abu Dawood: 975 [2] Sahih Sunan Abi Dawud 1399
Author Bio
Knowledge Dunes was initiated in the year 2018 with the purpose to share the resources that Dr. Fadzidah has gathered during her Islamic Studies teaching experience to the English-speaking children in Oman and Qatar. Alhamdulillah, the website has expanded its function within two years and we have gained trust from many parents to teach their kids online on some Islamic Studies topics such as Surah Al Fatihah based on Tafsir Ibn Kathir, the history and facts about the Quran, the basic aqeedah, and the pillars of Iman.
Its founder and content manager, Dr. Fadzidah, is a medical doctor who graduated in the year 2000 and has four years of working experience. She stopped working in the year 2009 before her relocation with her family to Muscat, Oman. Dr. Fadzidah has lived in 6 different countries, learning different cultures raising her six kids and she owns a Certificate In Education from the Islamic Online University. During her study, she took Islamic-related courses, including Tafsir Of Surah al Fatihah, Fiqh and its evolution, Arabic language, Seerah, Uloom Al Quran, and Fundamental of Tawheed under the guidance of Sheikh Dr. Bilal Philips.
Currently, Dr. Fadzidah is pursuing her study in the Higher Diploma in Islamic Studies from the same University. The subjects she is learning now include the Arabic language (Explanation of the book Ajrumiyyah), Tafsir Surah Yaseen, and Hadith.
Some really useful information. Dates are truly special and beneficial, ma shaa Allah. I love dates. And always try to include them in my diet in, and outside, of Ramadan. Alhamdullilah.