Who does not like to be rewarded… Especially with bonus. It brings extra happiness and joy. Well Ramadan is one such month of extra rewards, which no other month offers. And we need to reap [...]
Today being the 7th day of this beautifully blessed month of Ramadaan, I thought it appropriate to ponder on a set of verses which also number 7. These verses are recited by every Muslim numerous [...]
Being human can be quite a paradox. We claim we want to be happy yet we don’t let go of the things and people that leave us feeling sad. We stay in the job we dread waking up to and we [...]
Last year we asked why bloggers in our community why they were looking forward to Ramadan. This year we asked how they were preparing for Ramadan. Ramadan is my favorite month of the year. [...]
In our part of the world a mother in law is considered to be a cruel person who puts the whole burden of the house on the daughter in law’s shoulders. She is despised and cursed for doing such a [...]
Newbie Sunday Showcase is all about introducing some of our bloggers who have blogs that are less than 1 year old! Today’s blogs are both over 6 months old. This blog is a diary of Rahma: [...]
“Each one of you is constituted in the womb of the mother for forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then [...]
What exactly is world hijab day? February 1st, 2013, marked the first annual World Hijab Day in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life [...]
Today’s Five Favourite Finds have been chosen by Mariam from Just Sharing Islam A Filipino Muslim born in Saudi Arabia, Mariam whose parents are both authors of Islamic books published at [...]