What exactly is world hijab day? February 1st, 2013, marked the first annual World Hijab Day in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life [...]
Neither advice nor suggestion; No lecture to none, A simple life story, And may be for some, a lesson! As a young girl, I had hopes, dreams and emotions, Ordinary looks and sensitive, I [...]
All praises and thanks are for Allah alone, we praise Him and seek His Help and Forgiveness. Allah, The Al Mighty mentions in the Glorious Qur’an: Say: “O my Servants who have transgressed [...]
In spite of our best efforts there are times we feel lost. We may be amidst our loving family, in a cozy home with yummy food to relish; we could be young, healthy and rich with plenty of free [...]
‘Not In My Name!’ The world mourns … It mourns the innocent people that have been murdered; It mourns the souls who left the world bewildered! It’s hurtful to see [...]
In the name of Allah the most beneficial and the most merciful The term ummati basically means the ummah-which is us. There are so many thoughts which strike me when I think of [...]
Today’s Five Favourite Finds have been picked by blogger Fozia S Fozia S, founder of Muslimah Bloggers and blogger at Muslim Mummy. is a proud mummy of two beautiful girls. Currently a stay at [...]
As the end of the year approaches, it is important to reflect on the year that has passed. Many times, we go day by day, so stuck in our own worldly problems, without realizing that what [...]
It’s understood without saying that parents are the most greatest blessing of Allah swt. And they are irreplaceable. There is nothing that can evaluate mothers love and fathers care. [...]
Ever heard or said “OMG that is so goals!”, our 21st century sentence, our generation slogan. One may ponder, What is goals? Define goals for me? So I searched the most common [...]