As the end of the year approaches, it is important to reflect on the year that has passed. Many times, we go day by day, so stuck in our own worldly problems, without realizing that what [...]
The end of the year is coming! Wow did this year fly by or what! As time passes, slowly but surely our body goes through changes we don’t realize. We set all these goals for ourselves but many of [...]
Today is World Mental Health Day so what better theme for this month than ‘health’. We have chosen the theme health rather than mental health as we realise it can be difficult to [...]
Each one of us is stressed today and in that we can also include our children. With so much negativity in the environment, television shows filled with violence, news channels broadcasting all [...]
This is a guest post by a fellow blogger Humayraa. Recently she hasn’t had time to keep up with her blog posts due to family commitments, but has agreed to let us use a post written by her, [...]
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