I hear a lot of stories about children being put under stress by teachers. Several trainers are now coming forth to bash about teachers in front of parents. But all these people fail to [...]
Our November 2016 Featured Blogger is Gemma from Our Muslim Homeschool. Dr Gemma Elizabeth is a homeschooling mother of three from the U.K. As a passionate advocate for home education, she writes [...]
Our March Featured Blogger is Ayeina. Ayeina is a collaboration between 2 sisters who write about Islam, Parenthood, Education, Lifestyle, Humor, and Art at Ayeina.com. Read on to find out more [...]
As the end of the year approaches, it is important to reflect on the year that has passed. Many times, we go day by day, so stuck in our own worldly problems, without realizing that what [...]
In the last post I wrote about how to easily teach multi-age children. One of the ways is to use themes in your curriculum. In this post I will write about another way of integrating levels of [...]
If you have a big family with many children and you homeschooled as well then you’d know the frustrations of having to juggle teaching multiple levels. How do you go about catering to all [...]