The end of the year is coming! Wow did this year fly by or what! As time passes, slowly but surely our body goes through changes we don’t realize. We set all these goals for ourselves but many of [...]
Asalaam Alaikum! Last week the theme was Love and we couldn’t wait to see your interpretations of the word. Here are some of our favourites. Do follow the bloggers on Instagram and [...]
Today’s Five Favourite Finds have been chosen by Saima Asghar. Saima Asghar is a business graduate and a free lance writer, writing for others, both paid and non-paid. research based and [...]
Asalaam Alaikum! A couple of weeks ago the theme was Autumn but we didn’t get round to doing a round up post. However some of the pictures were awesome so we are doing a late round up! [...]
We are pleased to announce our November Featured Blogger is Umm Yusra, blogger behind Gilded Dunya Please do a small introduction about yourself Bismillah and [...]
Today’s Five Favourite Finds have been chosen by Bouchra Rebiai Bouchra Rebiai is a bilingual English<>Arabic translator. Previously blogging about a lot of things, ranging from [...]
AssalamAlikum. Dear readers, thanks for joining me in the journey of memorizing surah Annoor. I had to memorize surah an-noor in about a month’s time (5 weeks to be precise) to compete in [...]
Camping is an amazing way to reconnect, relax and have real quality time together. However, for many muslim travellers and families, camping is not often viewed as an option or something they [...]
For us ,the idea of a simple wedding is very boring , there is no fun in it, no music, no big gathering ,not a good venue?? What ?? Although being muslims ,Islam encourages us to have simpler [...]
Today’s Five Favourite Finds have been chosen by Saima Asghar. Saima Asghar is a business graduate and a free lance writer, writing for others, both paid and non-paid. research based [...]