Charity or sadqa is a very powerful tool. ALHUMDULILAH I have always felt that giving charity is such a huge blessing and it’s importance in Islam has always been mentioned. Zakat and [...]
The moment we think of shaytan or Satan immediately we think of evil, bad deeds, open enemy, hell etc. Literally shaytan means “rebellious” and it describes anyone who is [...]
ALHUMDULILAH, life has always been a blessing from Allah swt. No matter what ups and downs we face, with the help of Allah swt there is khair at the end. Even if things do not turn the way we [...]
Anger is something very common in humans. It’s part of our nature, something which comes naturally but is totally negative. We all need to control our anger. It’s destructive and [...]
BMI is a common acronym given to body mass index. BMI indicates the body fat of each individual. Too much of body fat leads to illness resulting in various health and weight related problems like [...]
This is an continued article (part 2) from the topic DOES WATER HELP IN WEIGHT LOSS. You can read the part 1 published last month. This article focuses on water consumption and tips on drinking [...]
Who does not like to be rewarded… Especially with bonus. It brings extra happiness and joy. Well Ramadan is one such month of extra rewards, which no other month offers. And we need to reap [...]
Water is the source of livelihood – and is one of the key elements required to lose weight. Your body needs a whole lot of water for its daily functions. Drinking water and weight loss are [...]
One of the foremost reasons for being overweight is overeating and less exercising. In other words, people can gain weight when they eat more than they can burn off. However this conventional [...]
There are many basic sunnah which are a part of every Muslims life. A good character makes a good Muslim and the action of a Muslim speaks louder than words. Smile Smiling is the best way of [...]
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