Today being the 7th day of this beautifully blessed month of Ramadaan, I thought it appropriate to ponder on a set of verses which also number 7. These verses are recited by every Muslim numerous [...]
As I’m quickly approaching my second anniversary of ‘return to formal employment’ I thought it appropriate to share some of the tips that have helped me to fulfill my ambition [...]
A few mornings ago, whilst walking to work, I happened to walk past a row of dumpsters that were lined up on the sidewalk. The stench was hideous. Even after wrapping one end of my hijab [...]
Following on from our twitter chat 0n 08/12/15 on blog appearance, please find below the main important points that came across in the discussion from the bloggers who took part. 1. [...]
Oh Ramadaan! Deny your body To feed your soul! Let the hunger you feel Nourish your eemaan Let your thirst be quenched By His word Give of your wealth And earn salvation For no man is destitute [...]
Whispers by Ayesha Desai The hands of time Gallop across sands of eternity And I watch you… Growing up Growing away Just growing Blossoming Becoming Being And through the lens of memory I [...]