It took me a very long time to decide what I wanted this post to be about. If I still wrote free-hand, there’d be a trash can filled with crumpled up pages at my feet. What I settled on in [...]
I had no choice other than to get it fixed. The crack in my screen was getting worse- making it arduous to read the contents in it. So, I finally decided to drop it off at the closest mobile [...]
With Ramadan less than a month away I thought we would ask some of our bloggers what their favourite thing about Ramadan is. Brit Deshi Mummy It’s the only time of the year that we [...]
Our May 2017 featured blogger is Kay Tarapolsi from A Crafty Arab. Kay is a Libyan American who creates art to promote a positive image of Arab and Islamic culture. WHEN AND WHY DID YOU [...]
Difficult phases are a part of our lives. We all go through it and at times like these we need something to hold on to. Most of the people don’t know how to react during the difficult phase in [...]
Ramadan is almost upon us and we sharing 30 recipes for Ramadan. Last year we also did a post: 30 Recipes for 30 days of Ramadan. We have had comments that Ramadan shouldn’t be about food [...]
For many, blogging has become a reliable source of income, and a full-time job. Thus, a business on its own – handled professionally, managed tediously, and with care. However, for many seasoned [...]
The moment we think of shaytan or Satan immediately we think of evil, bad deeds, open enemy, hell etc. Literally shaytan means “rebellious” and it describes anyone who is [...]
Longing… And True belonging… That wholesome Feeling, that keeps you alive! Binding… Proudly Law-abiding… That Code of Conduct, which makes you thrive! Cherishing… [...]
Pained, but not broken; shattered but not demolished. It’s difficult for strong personalities to embody a pained heart. For myself it is a constant struggle to accept the grieving process – [...]