All praises and thanks are for Allah alone, we praise Him and seek His Help and Forgiveness. Allah, The Al Mighty mentions in the Glorious Qur’an: Say: “O my Servants who have transgressed [...]
Last week our theme was ‘sparkle’ and we loved seeing what our bloggers came up with. If you wish to join in with the chance to be featured in our roundup blog post then [...]
Newbie Sunday Showcase is all about introducing some of our bloggers who have blogs that are less than 1 year old! Makeup World by Veena is currently 9 months old. I’m a stay at home mom of two [...]
Today is the turn for fashion bloggers and admin Fozia has been on the lookout for fashion and beauty blogs. Fozia S, founder of Muslimah Bloggers and blogger at Muslim Mummy. is a proud mummy of [...]
With the New Year upon us, everyone talks about creating resolutions to keep for the year. Of course, many of us are aware that most of these resolutions get lost in the shuffle of our busy [...]
Asalaam Alaikum! With 2016 upon us then what better way to start off this years photos with the theme ‘New’. Don’t forget our monthly prompt is also New Beginnings. If you wish [...]
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, the most beneficial and the most merciful. We all welcome the month of January as it marks a new beginning of the year. Many come up with new year resolutions and what not. [...]
Newbie Sunday Showcase is all about introducing some of our bloggers who have blogs that are less than 1 year old! Faith Hope Love is just about to turn 1 this month! From the about me [...]
This weeks theme is Parenting. Hena Ahmed from Reflections shares her Five Favourite Finds. Assalamualaikum dear sisters. Here’s a bit about me. I am a proud mum of 2 mischievous, heart [...]
My heart skipped a beat! I pulled the brakes; once, twice, then thrice, but my car continued to skid until it stopped in the middle of the crossroad. I shut my eyes tightly. My hands started to [...]